Meet Sparky the FGFD Mascot
For centuries, Dalmatians have been the unofficial mascot for firefighters in the United States. In years past, they stood tall alongside...
Meet Sparky the FGFD Mascot
FGFD On Call For More Than Fires
The Happy Couple
Click to View our May Newsletter
Thank You Fairfield Glade
FGFD Responds To Kitchen Fire
FGFD Racquet Mania Event
Time's Running Out
A Fond Farewell to our Sadie
It was Chicken Night at Station One
Promotions and an Awards at the FGFD
FGRS Hosts 911 Informational Meeting
Attention Racquet Enthusiasts
Firefighter Appreciation Day
Our Beloved MaryAnn has Returned
First Responders Helping First Responders
Be Aware of SCAMS!
Cumberland County Announces Automatic Aid Program with FGFD
FGFD Responds To Brush Fire